Monday, July 7, 2014

Linen Weaving

I left enough room in my linen blanket warp for a yard of plain linen.  I wove about 27 inches today.  I love the simplicity of the natural linen plain weave.

The most difficult part about this project is the width.  It is 45 inches.  I have been weaving much smaller widths up until now.  You really have to aim as you shoot the shuttle thought the shed.  

Linen threads break really easily.. I have already had to repair a bunch of them and I haven't even hit the blanket yet.  

I sketched up my blanket design.  It will be mostly natural brown wool with some deep red stripes.  

This week the family came up to VT and joined the weavers for Monday pot luck lunch.  There was lots of good food and animal noise impression..  twas a good time !

Me, Kate, & Justin 

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