Saturday, June 14, 2014

Weaving Project Plans

In the past couple of weeks I have been brainstorming ideas on what I'd like to weave.  With my sewing backround I am focusing on weaving clothing fabric so I can hopefully use my hand woven textiles in future sewing projects.

My rough plan as of now is ...

#1 – fabric to make a simple tunic dress ( I'm going to reference the Cut My Cote book for pattern inspiration) Cotton maybe ?

I think this could be my first project .. so something simple.

#2 – a historical fabric, something between 1750- 1770. A check or stripe...
I would love to use this fabric to make a short gown or apron to wear at Philipsburg Manor , the historic site I will be working at the rest of the summer.  It would also be great for  reenacting ! ( new and growing hobby )

#3 – I would be really into weaving a scarf or shawl. It would be smaller so maybe I could do a more advanced technique?

Pinterest has been a fantastic tool for organizing all of the weaving inspiration I have have been collecting ! 

Check out my weaving project related boards :

Tomorrow the adventure beigns ! 

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